Provide us with all the important information we need to build the best recruiting campaign for your open position.💡
To position your company as a great employer, we’ve prepared a few employer benefits questions for you.
Provide us with initial information about your open position so that we can ask you the right questions in the kick-off.
With our tutorial providing access to tools is easy. Also, we will need info about your CI.
This funnel collects all the information about your company, from accounting to the contact person for this project.
The recruiting campaign is based on the information in this onboarding. It is necessary to fill in all the information.
Once the process is complete, we have all the information we need to start the kick off call with you.
Please take about 1 hour of focus time for the onboarding process. Make sure you have no distractions at this time.
It's best to grab plenty of snacks, a coffee or tea and let's go! We can't wait to finally start with you!
Please do not close this funnel before you have completed the onboarding process.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.